Systems Implementations/Upgrades

IMG_2084Implementing a new system or even just doing an upgrade to a current system can at first seem quite a daunting task as it needs careful scoping and planning before any work gets underway just to make sure everyone is on the same path to the desired end result.

I have managed many implementations over the last 11 years across very different businesses, and the skillset you learn along the way is invaluable to success in any system improvement initiative.

I can assist you at every level from assessing products or tenders for system development, through the scoping and planning processes right, then User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and eventual sign off of project completion.

Getting the right product is essential, but the requirements scoping (for now and for future growth) and then the project and resource planning are absolutely key to making any system implementation project a success.

As a company grows and develops the need for suitable data capture and reporting systems grows with it.


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